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Russell Bedford Partners With The IAB In 'The Developing Accountant' Supplement


Russell Bedford International has proudly partnered with the International Accounting Bulletin in its 'The Developing Accountant' supplement. The publication, which was released in May 2023, featured two pieces from Russell Bedford, including ‘40 years at the forefront of the accounting revolution' and a case study on ‘Russell Bedford - putting people at the forefront’.

Speaking about the accounting revolution over the past 40 years and why ‘putting people at the forefront’ should always take precedence, Joe Pickard, Group Editor, The Accountant and International Accounting Bulletin, said:

"The accountancy profession is forever changing; clients are looking to their trusted advisers for guidance on an increasing number of different issues. As such, accountants need to develop their professional skill set to rise to the opportunity that this presents.”

He added: "Employers that can support their talent in their own professional development will be able to offer a better service to their clients. The Developing Accountant supplement looks at the different approaches taken by firms to boost the development of their staff, from secondment opportunities to establishing Centres of Excellence. Firms that action initiatives such as these and offer a wide range of learning and development opportunities will be rewarded with a workforce that are well prepared to meet the challenges of the day.”

Stephen Hamlet, Russell Bedford's CEO, said: "As always, it has been a delight to partner with the team at the IAB. It has been especially significant to pause and reflect on the vast change seen within the accounting profession, and concurrently within Russell Bedford International, over the past 40 years; a complete transformation in terms of how we now do business. The network has grown exponentially since its inception in 1983 and it continues to be my greatest and most rewarding challenge to steer this great organisation as it navigates to new heights as a leading international network.”

He added: "It is exciting to be part of a time of such incredibly rapid industry change as a result of evolving working practices, globalisation, regulatory demands and technology which, most recently, focuses on Artificial Intelligence. It’s refreshing to see that change being embraced on a much larger scale than in decades gone by. Time will tell what the future has in store for our profession. However, regardless of what comes next, network expansion and enhancement, as well as the development of people within our firms, will always remain top of the strategic agenda for Russell Bedford International. Here’s to the next 40 years of taking you further…”

Read the IAB ‘The Developing Accountant’ supplement here: 

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