
Corporate Social Responsibility

Charity of the year

Every year Russell Bedford Lebanon – Russell Bedford BSA proudly supports a charitable organization, inviting staff to get involved with fundraising and volunteering activities.

2020 – The people of Beirut

This year Russell Bedford has voted to support the people of Beirut following the devastating explosion on August 4th that killed at least 200 people and injured around 5,000 others.

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Supporting a range of charities

Over the past few years, we have supported a range of charities:

  • Children Cancer Center Lebanon
  • Jouzour Loubnan
  • Dar Al Aytam
  • Ibad al Rahman
  • … and many others

The firm’s partners and director are individually involved with charities as trustees. In addition, we act for many charities and other not-for-profit organizations and have a full understanding of the sector. Our hands-on approach goes beyond merely fulfilling statutory obligations.

The environment

We work hard to reduce the impact of our activities on the environment and have already taken the following actions:

  • Providing staff with reusable water bottles
  • Contributing to Planting Trees in Lebanon through Jouzour Loubnan
  • Recycling dry waste as well as all toners from printers and photocopiers
  • Carefully disposing of computer equipment/office furniture, ensuring nothing goes to landfill

We’ve made a start and we understand that there’s further to go. We continue to look for ways to work greener and cleaner in the future.

Recycling in collaboration with Recyco Recycling

As an audit and advisory firm, we recognize the importance of taking steps to reduce our environmental impact. That's why we're proud to announce our collaboration with Recyco Recycling to promote paper recycling and support a more sustainable future. Read More